You should rage quit more often.

10/18/23 | 7:23 AM

iwas wonderingnif i could edit html on my phone.,,, i can! im on the bus right now..heading 2 yhe second school where i do prohramming., iwas just randomly thinking about how much my no cheating no spoilers pact has affected how i play games.,, like. ever since the Elden Ring incident last february where i looked hp the solution2 everything and ended up feeling unfulfilled and a cheater, i havent looked up the answer to a puzzle or the location of an item in a game.., I spent hours in Half Life backtracking and running in circles to find iut what to do and it felt like the most fun ive had in a game. very tedious, but rewarding! it definitely helped steel my patience. i feel like i take TOO long to beat games since i spend so much time just taking it all in and stuff. ok wait I'm pulling up at school... lemme get to the computer and finish this up.,,,

7:50 AM

Just got into class & my teacher looked at my Grotto Beasts hoodie & said it was a nice Halloween thing. Anyways,,UH the thing I was trying to talk about was like,,, how much my new approach to playing games has allowed me to properly appreciate them more,, Elden Ring was a huge, life-changing game for me that opened me up to a whole new genre of games and made me realize that there's nothing to fear with "difficult" games as long as you have the resolve (or stubbornness. Both, really.) It's such an incredible and beautiful experience, and I feel like the approach my parents and I took (My first playthrough was between my mom and dad and I backseating eachother on the same character, very fun,,) took away from the intended experience. I didn't realize it then, but looking back, I really missed out on a ton of experiences that you only have on your first playthrough; finding things out blindly, randomly stumbling across something cool that you didn't know was in the game, making connections and piecing the lore together,,, stuff like that is so special, and although we DID have experiences like this, 70% of the time, we would quickly resort to the fextralife wiki to give us the answer if we got stuck on something. And, going off something the RTVS crew talked about on their Elden Ring episode of the Where Do We Begin podcast, the initial release of Elden Ring was a once in a lifetime experience. No one knew anything- it was a blind playthrough for everyone. You could find an NPC who no one else online has even mentioned before, or a cool spell or weapon or even an entire hidden boss, and no matter who you talked to about the game, it felt like everyone was on their own unique adventure. I'm not a big fan of the whole "are games art" argument, but I think if I had to prove the legitimacy of videogames as an art form, Fromsoft's entire catalog would definitely be a shining example of such. I admire their design philosophy so much, and sincerely hope I can craft an experience that changes my entire mindset in the same way Elden Ring did for me. I don't enjoy playing the hardest modes on games for the thrill or the bragging rights- I see them more like puzzles. Like. An easy mode and a hard mode to me is like the difference between a Resident Evil puzzle and a Professor Layton puzzle. I just like to make myself really put in effort and think about a game instead of barrelling through them and never being challenged (sort of how I felt about RE4 2005's easy mode during my initial playthrough, now that I think about it...) 2023 has been a big year for me exploring different genres and playstyles for the first time- horror games, shooters, hard/challenge modes- things I used to be almost afraid of, simply because I thought I wouldn't be able to do it. I really hope you read this and consider taking the same approach I've developed; No guides, no spoilers, and let yourself take as long as you need to play a game, whether that be days, weeks, months, or years. It's not only given me a hightened understanding of game design and a better appreciation for what goes into them, but sort of a new outlook in my daily life as well. Don't be afraid to struggle with something like a challenging boss or a hard puzzle, let it hurt your head and leave you stuck for weeks, I promise it'll reward you with much more than just bragging rights.

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles

10/31/23 | 8:27 AM

Wii - Started: 10/27/23 - Unfinished

This is the first on-rails light gun game I've ever played. No joke. Closest I've gotten would maybe be Kid Icarus Uprising? And I guess games liek twin bee or galaga are technically on-rails shooters, but those don't count,, Anyways, I've been having fun so far! I've barely made any progress if I'm being honest, but regardless, I'm enjoying it. So, no comprehensive review just yet. What I CAN say, tho, is that this would probably make for a fun party game. Like, ths is a turn this on in the back while you're eating & hanging out with your friends kindof game. I wish I had the actual light gun attachment so badly... ohhh, one day...

Resident Evil: Code Veronica X

10/31/23 | 9:01 AM

PS2 - Started: idunno - Unfinished

Unfinished, can't really write a review yet. So far though, I'm really enjoying it! I freking loove old PS game campy-ness, and it is Very prevalent here. Also, the combat feels,, pretty good, actually. Which is surprising given the fact this is a fixed perspective survival horror (Although, the camera Does move dynamically...sort of. Sometimes. It doesn't make much of a difference either way). Maybe this is what'll get me to finally push through RE:DC.,,

Resident Evil: 4 (2005, HD remaster)

10/31/23 | 9:25 AM


Xbox One - Started: idk - Finished: 8/6/23 - Mode: Normal - Final Score: C?

In my initial review for RE405, the day after I finished it, I wrote, "This game felt a bit weird for me. Not because it's bad[...] [it] just made me REALLY wanna play the remake instead..." However, now that I've played other RE games including RE4R, I've determined that there's really no way to compare the original to the remake, and that I especially shouldn't critique it based on these new expectations. They're fundamentally and mechanically different games; I can't look at the gameplay & writing of the remake and say the original should have done it. This is important to preface before I go into this, because a lot of discussion of RE405 has definitely been affected by the remake when it shouldn't. So, I won't be taking it into account in my review. I'll do a separate review for RE4R when I fully beat it.
Errm! Anyways!! I freking Love RE405. Goodness me thisgame is good. What immediately stood out to me was the animation..,, the facial expressions & motion capture in general is really impressive, even more so when u remembr this was a gamecube game.,, (I mean, most gamecube games were notable for stuff liek this at the time, but WHATEVER,,) The gameplay is what struck me the most, though; This past year or so has been my first foray into FPS and horror games, and out of all the ones I've played so far, none of them have been anything like RE405. Lots of people say it's janky and unfair, and at first I definitely felt that, but I quickly came to love it. It feels really satisfying & fun, and the shakiness is a great way to balance the weapons without any unnecessary punishment or jank- if you can adjust yourself accordingly, you'll hardly even notice it's there. Another aspect of the gameplay that I really admire in all its frustration is the inventory management. Survival horror- Especially RE- relies on the constant stress of item management and finding resources to maintain the horror. In previous games, you could barely hold more than 6 items, with some meagre upgrades available over time. RE405 was the first game to give you a briefcase, which looks like a significant boost in space at first, but in actuality, the acute balancing present allows it to maintain the same survival-horror inventory stress as its less complex predecessors. The merchant's many weapons & attachments can take up quite a bit of room, meaning you need to choose a very particular arsenal and sort your inventory space carefully if you want space leftover for crucial herbs and ammo, not even taking into account absolutely crucial weapons like the rifle & its thermal scope which are required to (easily) defeat a certain enemy I forgot the name of rightnow. The many different weapon choices, each with unique mechanics, also provide a nice balance,, since you wont be able to choose ALL of them, you'll probably have a certain loadout that sticks with you the whole game. I didn't find myself experimenting with other weapon options after I found what I liked, but I can imagine other players had very different experiences with this,,, having to choose weapons to discard, risking a weapon you know for one you might not like, on top of managing your pesetas effectively,,, stuff like that is where survival-horror comes from. Wasting your money & space can make things way harder on yourself, so it requires a lot of thinking ahead to play optimally,,! Having to sort and manage your inventory, in itself, is a puzzle, and a very resident evil-ey one at that; not necessarily difficult, but it can definitely frustrate you,, and speaking of puzzles! um. actually. i dontreally havemuch 2 say about them. As som1 who has been obsessed with puzzle games since i was a kid, the puzzles in RE games are always largely unremarkable. That isn't a bad thing, though, since their purpose is more as stressful obstacles rather than fun brainteasers. UHH overall though..,,Something ive seen in other RE405 reviews is that this game is where Resident Evil lost its way. RE405 marks the transformation from survival horror to action, and the innovative combination of the two we see in this game begins to shift further and further into full-on action gameplay come the next few titles,,,some may even say this was the death of Resident Evil. and. If I'm being totally honest,,, yeah, I'd agree, but not in the way it sounds. Yeah, this is when Resident Evil games began a fundamental change in tone and gameplay that remains to this day, (Except the Winter's saga, but those are first-person survival horror games, not the isometric ones many think of when they envision traditional RE) so,,,, yeah, old RE died here. To me, this isn't a bad thing, and it's more a case of times and technology changing rather than Capcom "straying from their roots," but liek. I can see both sides here,,, BUTlike. by "RE died after RE405," i mean.,,,like,,, the games are different. not that it got bad. (I mean. I can't say whether they got bad after RE4 yet. I haven't played 5 or 6 yet. So. I guess I'll see.,,,) UHM. Ohh lird, this review is so off-topic. Imena. that's expected from me ithink. I JUST REALIZED IHAVENT EVEN TALKED ABOUT THE STORY ohhhh ohh ok let me go over this Quick. UHM. I was a bit let down with how little the game cared to go deep into Luis' story.,, Like. Leon jsut met this guy and was like ohhhhh you're my best friend! And then when he died he was like. ohhhhh how sad. lewis. lewis died. ohh how sad. and then you walk over his body in2 the next area and he isn't important after that. After looking into some supplemental material in the game, there IS some deeper context to Luis and the other characters, but I wish it was depicted in the actual plot more,,,I think a lot of my story issues are only present because of the existence of the remake though,, which is a problem.,, OKAY. RE4 outside of the context of the remakes is a servicable enough story that definitely captivated me throughout, even during the more tedious sections. This is a horrifically 2005-feeling game (which isn't really a bad thing, unless ur talking about how Ashley was depicted.,,, She's great, but she's a female character in a shooter game written in the early 2000s. You can connect the dots from there.) and I'm a sucker for old game writing (AGAIN. SOMETIMES.) so I had a lot of fun. I especially like how Leon is depicted,, he thinks he's Shadow the Hedgehog orsomethng,,it really fits the overall tone of the game. RE games are Meant to be sort of goofy like that!! It's perfect!! Again, I really shouldn't compare the remake to the OG, but I wish more of OG Leon came thru in remake Leon,, He felt more dimensional as a character almost when he wasn't as serious. OKAY. I REALLY need to stop yapping.,,, Love this game,, will definitely pick up my professional mode playthru again and write about that when I can.,, I felt the game was decently challening on normal, but it never felt Hard. So! Eventually! I'll do that. ANYWAYS. ummm time for the obligatory numerical rating even though it is impossible 2 sum up an interactive experience with a single rating bbjut im doing it anyways because I Need to be a Real Game Critic and also thereis NO way anyone is reading all this.

Overall Rating: like. 8/10!

Nintendo 3DS

11/27/23 | 9:43 AM

I probably won't have time to finish typing this up in class. In fact, I'll probably be typing this up for a while.,, I dunno how I'm gonna do these yet, but I figure I'll just add until I feel like I've covered everything. What I'm hoping to achieve by doing write-ups of consoles an stuff is to hopefully become better at analyzing console design and stuff & develop a bettr understanding of them in general. I'm jsut bored, idk.,,, also oh my god i can NOT write right now. my brain is so fogged. this is written HORRIBLY. jsut ignore ths i''ll fix it laterrr.
To me, the 3DS family was Nintendo's perfect handheld. I have no significant history with the DS, (my sister had a DS Lite which I own now, but I have absolutely no memories of it from my childhood, so it hardly counts,) but the 3DS consumed a large portion of my life, ever since I got my first solid blue 3DS XL on christmas in 2011. Again, my memory is extremely poor, so I can't bring up many specific moments with my 3DS, but I do still have all the original photos on my gallery. I used it almost every day; I brought it on car rides in hopes of catching people on streetpass, and I always brought it to school so I could have pokemon battles on the bus, which I would almost always lose. I do have a specific memory, maybe around 2013-2015, where my siblings and I were sleeping in the same room on christmas eve unable to sleep, & the whole time I was on SwapNote drawing what I wanted for christmas and making voice recordings updating how close it was to 12 AM. I could go on, but my point is that the 3DS was very influential in my early life. And, to me, it makes the Nintendo Switch seem primitive. I could hardly say I feel the same about the Switch as I do the 3DS, none of the whimsy or utility or charm- and it isn't even that I was "too old" to have that attachment, because I'm young enough that I was 10 years old when the Switch came out. so liek. What's the deal with that? What exactly does the 3DS have that the switch doesn't? ermm i know exactly what's wrong and it is a LOT and i am gonna RANT about it and be a HATER ARRGGHH.
FIRST off. The 3ds si PORTABLE. look at this thang. (look at your own 3ds that you certainly own right now. and if you do not have one GET ONE,,) it fits in your hand and the screens are small, but it's Perfect. It's Great. The foldable aspect also means I can change the screen's positioning to fit whatever orientation I'm in (which you Can't do with the Nintendo 2DS, but that's not an issue since it's Way different. In fact, tjat may need its own lke. section. since it's so unique compared to tjhe rest of the family. I dunno.) Altho I can certainly say the whole 3D gimmick that defines this thangs existence is sort of odd and situational (the 2DS line's existence says enough about how consumers felt about it,) I, as the single only person who actually enjoys looking at the 3D effect, can say it Does add to gameplay SOMETIMES. (It's just fun to look at,,Kid Icarus Uprising is a good example for me.) Overall tho I should recognize that it was honestly pretty intrusive to gameplay visibility and realyl did Not need to exist, unliek sometjing liek Motion controls for the Wii. And. begrudgingly. I will admit that the Joycons have mroe applicatiosn overall than the 3D slider. BUT. SPEAKING OF. the joycons... they infuriate me... ohh. WAIT I'll KEEP TALKGJN LATER

12:16 PM

JUST GOT BCK FRROM LUNCH uhhhhhwehre ws I. OH YEHA JOYCONS. they have about as much utility as a wiimote,,, motion controls are never really utilized for games unless they're motion-centric, and the ones that aren't feel pretty shoehorned in, like the wii. Games like 1, 2, Switch! are more like tech demos than games, that kinda stuff. (ALTHO the recent WarioWare game did just come out & I feel like it utilized the joycons perfectly, better than like every previous joycon-centric switch game. I just wish they figured this stuff out maaybe not 6 years after launch,,,) ANYWAYS.WHAT I MEAN TO SAY IS. Nintendo sucks at console gimmicks tbh. And the 3D slider is one of their weaker ones. BUT THAT is not what this is about.. Ohh Ohhhh ok. I WANT TO FOCUS ON THE UI/UX. ok.
SO. the 3DS home menu is INCREDIBLE. The level of customizability (Icon size, sorting, folders, themes, ohhh my god BADGES,) it's a huge factor to the impactfulness and personalization of the thang. I had SO many pokemon badges, it was great. Almost everything about the 3DS was Yours. Comparing the UI to the switch in my head, it jst feels so much more,, like,, smooth? It just. Flows better. if that makes sense. Like, to access your full library on your switch, you need to go all the way to the rght & open it, then wait for all your titles to load. Onthe 3ds tho, everything is jst There. and you can jump in just liek that,,! It was such a standout thing at the time, and I think the homogeny of our current console generation is another big reason why the Switch just can't compare. There just isn't the same push for innovation and unique-ness in consoles anymore, i think,, it's more important to be an appealing product than a meaningful Thing. if tht makes sense. I can pick out aspects of the Switch's UI and compare them to, say, the PS4, and find at least 5 or 6 things that look or feel very similar. But, comparing a 3DS to a PSP is practically impossible- they were serving different markets & purposes, finding their own strengths and niches rather than appealing to a standard. This is hardly even a 3DS analysis anymore .im on so many odd tangents. UHHJ let me try 2 get back on track..., OHH let me talk about the New XL in particularr..,
The New 3ds XL is Cool. I Like it,,, unlike the OLED switch, it has very slight hardware improvements, as well as a larger screen & the.. C Stick. The Odd Thang.. I rememebr when I first got a new XL I was So confused. I feel like it was probably a bit too late in the lifespan of the 3DS to introduce a whole new piece of hardware, especially something as important as a whole new stick. It's also in a bit of an odd place, and the little rubber cylinder is.. Not The Best. it feels like thsoe little mice tracking thangs in the centers of some laptop keyboards that I have Never seen anyone use. Too odd to be especially practical, & because of when the New XL was released, not many games utilize it! I know Minecraft 3DS and Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D use it, but that's all I own. I feel like something like the circle pad pro or whatever it's called worked much better, altho it seems a bit clunky. I'll have to wait until I get one myself to properly assess it. But. Like. That was weird. Right. Um. Class is ending. I will continue anothertimee..

The Game Awards 2023

12/6/23 | 10:43 AM

OKAY. my format for discussing each of the categories is gonna be like. I'm gonna separate them & talk about my thoughts. yes. Yes. Ok. Also i hvent played a lot of the nominees so most of this is just me throwing around random assumptions.ok. OK.

Game of the Year

  • Alan Wake 2

  • Baldur's Gate 3

  • Spider-Man 2

  • Resident Evil 4 Remake

  • Mario Bros. Wonder

  • TLoZ: ToTK

This. Iss uhhhh. Imeanloke.Im not MAD about any of the nominees.they all very much deserve recognition.but. I mean. Two nintendo games. (as if that isn't a regular ocurrence for the game awards, I guess,,) and like. All of these games did receive worldwide acclaim (except Alan Wake 2. I honestly can not remember seeing any discussion of it after the day it released.) But SOMETHING about the list just feels off. RIght??? I'm not crazy right. BUT. like. I voted for RE4R. Just because it was the one game on this list I actually played other than TOTK. But honestly, I'm expecting either TOTK, Mario Wonder, or Spider-Man 2 to get the win, since they're the more generally liked games. (But maybe the "controversy" surrounding the existence of pride flags in a random alley in SpiderMan2 or whatever everyone was whining about may have lost its favor in the general voting audience.) Baldur's Gate 3 deserves it more, honestly, just for getting a ton of people to actually enjoy DND or whatever its gameplat is based off of. It seems to have a LOT of hard work put into it, + good dev support and other cool stuff, so. I commend it! I've seen lots of people saying it was a weird choice to nominate a remake for GOTY, but RE4R is hardly even the same game as RE405 aside from the characters and general plot. So. I don't think it should be fully ruled out at least. I think it did a lot of great and interesting stuff. Maybe not Game of the Year-worthy stuff, but I at least hope it wins something. Actually, I'm changing my vote to BG3. I'll be happy if that wins above everything else here honestly. Plus, it's not a AAA game. Automatically deserves it more. (my jest) (or is it,?.,,) ALSO I JUST looked up the studio behind BG3 (Larian) and apparently Tencent has a minor stake in it. or whatever wikipedia said???goodness!

Best Game Direction

  • Alan Wake 2

  • Baldur's Gate 3

  • Spider-Man 2

  • Mario Bros. Wonder

  • TLoZ: ToTK

Well Um. Not to be a little hater here But. This is Literally just the GOTY nominees excluding RE4R. They couldnt at least find something else to fill the empty slot?ok. whatever. Um. Well. I guess I'll be voting Mario Wonder just because I think they finally did something cool with the Super Mario Bros. formula after like, almost a decade just making 3D/3.5D Mario games. Shoutout to Nintendo, I guess! TOTK WAS really awesome and fun & I know it'll get more votes so I'll just be nice and give Wonder a little smile and nod. Most people don't really know about nor care what Game Direction IS so everyone's just voting for their favorites anyways. And I don't know much about the directors or the behind-the-scenes process for any of these either.so. it's hard to make an educated decision here.

Best Narrative

  • Alan Wake 2

  • Baldur's Gate 3

  • CyberPunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

  • Final Fantasy XVI

  • Spider-Man 2

ahaha ahah well Ummmmmm I didn't play Any of these games. Um. Honestly I think it's weirder that a DLC was nominated than a remake.,, like. I didn't even realize CyberPunk had a DLC this year. People stopped talking about it after that was announced I think. Before then even. and ACTUALLY SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHO ARE THE APPARENTLY ONE GATRILLION PEOPLEWHO CARE ABOUT FINAL FANTASY 102 OR WATEVER XVI IS. THat's the online one Right. I Literally Never Ever hear people talking about FF. Maybe when a game is announced but thatis Actually It. I have no idea wat XVI even is. But i feel lke the huge secret community might come out of the shadows adn make it win somehow. I remember that lst year i think. But i think what Probably deserves it out of these is BG3. That's going to be my default from now on when I don't really know about any other nominees from here on out I think. So um. There.

Best Art Direction

  • Alan Wake 2

  • Hi-Fi Rush

  • Lies of P

  • Mario Bros. Wonder

  • TLoZ: ToTK

ALRIGHT. HERE's an interesting category with ACTUALLY relevant nominees, I Think. Hi-Fi Rush seems pretty interestinggg... I remembr the announcment liikeee a year or two ago? And from wht I heard it was really cool. The animation looks Spectacular. so. It definitely deserves it. And like I said before, I'm really happy about Mario Wonder's existence just for being the first mario game with something charming and unique in years. But. And I may be crazy. I think I'd be upset if ToTK got the win. WELL NOTLIKE UPSET, but I feel like it isn't. like. doing anything crazy or unique. Like YES IT IS IMEAN. IT DOES HAVE VERY GOOD ART DIRECTION. But it. like.. It's. Very much built off of BoTW. In a way that I feel like it isn't like..entirely..pushing the envelope or doing anhything Crazy and New. IT IS BUT. IT IS HARD TO EXPLAIN BUT. WHATEVER. I'd be happy if it won actually. Lies of P has the odds stacked against it I think,, Just looked up Round8 and Neowiz & I can't entirely tell whether the studio is considered indie or AAA, all I've learned is that the publisher and devs r focused in South Korea and Neowiz publishes "indie~AAA games." But like. Just in being a soulsbornering game I doubt it's palatable to enough people to win. I'll be voting for Hi-Fi rush. Just because. and I literally have nothing to say about Alan Wake 2. Someone Please tell me why I should gaf about it. LIEK I KNOW ALAN WAKE IS A REALLY SIGNIFICANT GAME BUT IN MY RESEARCH I HAVE YET TO KNOW WHAT ABOUT IT IS SO GROUNDBREAKIGN AND COOL. SAME WITH AW2. watever

Best Score and Music

  • Alan Wake 2, Composer Petri Alanko

  • Baldur's Gate 3, Composer Borislav Slavov

  • FFXIV, Composer Masayoshi Soken

  • Hi-Fi Rush, Audio Director Shuichi Kobori

  • TLoZ: ToTK, Composed by Nintendo Sound Team

SOMONE. ANYONE. TELL ME WHY ALAN WAKE 2 KEEPS GETTING NOMINATED FOR EVERYTHING. AM I THE DUMB ONE?ISTHIS ACTUALLY THE BIGGEST GAME OF 2023 AND I JSUT HAVE NO CLUE. (MeThinks I know THe Answer.! (mone y)). BUT anywaus. Ummm. cool category. I'm surprised they actually named the individual composers. Uncommon recognition of talent!anwyays Um.well. ToTK had incredible music but nothing memorable for me at least. And. I didnt. play. anything else here. WellUm. Hi-Fi Rush is a Rhythm game.RIght.>? I think they prbably put a Lot of hard work into themusic. They had an Audio Director. Man Idunno this game awards is odd. EVERY game awards is odd. Voting for Hi-Fi Rush.Justbecause. Sorry if u were expecting to see me give in-depth serious thought-provoking analyses for all the nominees loooooooool. god we r onlly 5 in out of 31 categories..

Best Audio Design

  • Alan Wake 2

  • Dead Space

  • Hi-Fi Rush

  • Spider-Man 2

  • Resident Evil 4 Remake

. I think Alan Wake 2 might be this year's TLoU 2. Just becauseit is inEVERY FREKING CATEGORY and i DOKT KNWO WHY. sorry WakeHeads but I dont Understand. ANyways. My vote is instantyl going to RE4R. because I played that game and frequently got excited and nerdy over the sound design,,..it is Quite Good.,,, ohh My.,,,,... I'll have to talk more about it when I Actually finish Separate Ways Remake. anywasy. Dead Space! I know this. Heard of it.I heard about Dead Space more than Alan Wake 2 actualy + it is WAIT WHAT????? DEAD SAPACEHAS TWO MOVIES???AND MLTIPLE NOVELS? dude im not joking i thought this game was smaller than that. How am i Actually so Unaware ofthe WOrld. well igues it's been outside my interests in genre for loke my whole life untilnow So. BUT I. ok.well. Not affecting my vote. RE4R.

Best Performance

guys. guys. guys. I havent. played. ANy of the games. Nor can I remember these voices from any clips I've seen ofthe games. Nor do I even Know Who THey Are. thisi a very importatn category considering some of the awful stuff VA's haveto go thru especially in working in the games industry, but. UH. I'll just vote for the BG3 guy. THey had to record SO much.Ithink. so. respect to uhhh....whoever Neil Newbon is. THumbs up Man. Also I'll probaly not be listing nominees for categories I don't ahve much to say on so. If u wanna know. Go tto the website Fool.

Innovation in Accessibility

  • Diablo IV

  • Forza Motorsport

  • Hi-Fi Rush

  • Spider-Man 2

  • Mortal Kombat 1

  • Street Fighter 6

THISIS A SUPER IMPORTANT CATEGORY! Glad 2 see it! but I wonder what they even considered when choosing nominees...2 me it feels like they juts looked at their Xbox pages and picked the top games with the highest accessibility option numbers (THat is such a confusing statistic for me also, do they like..count every option in the menu? Accessibility is more than just toggleable options. But whatever.) Anyways. Uhhh sorry diabloers but No. Not voting for Any Activision/Blizzard games. (And 2 my knowledge a lot of people weren't too amused with Diablo 4. Except my dad I guess. He said it was the Best Diablo Game of them All. Unfortunately he is the Only direct testimony I have praising thr game.So. BUT um,,,Um Apparently Diablo 4 actually had a lot of similar accessibility options.So. Um. That's pretty cool. Wow, A/B seems like a greaaat company..reaallyl pushing the envelope for inclusivity...wooooow... anyways. I jst looked and Alan Wake 2 has. Like. the bare minimum. Mostly just HUD and audio stuff. No colorblind mode or epilepsy stuff either. Everythijg new I learn about Alan Wake just makes it seem even less monumental. Dead Space has some cool stuff it seems,,,WAIT HIFI RUSH WAS PUBLISJED BY BETHESDA??how didit take THis long to findout. ok.watever. BUT. They have a whole accessibility GUIDE. Pretty interesting..! I don't see much talk abt accessibility options in Rhythm games, so, Thisis cool to see! Um. running out of time here. & I see tht spiderman 2 is patching in vital accessibility features this month so that is annoying and. I'm just gonna give my vote to RE4R. GENUINELY THO.. I'm really interested in hearing wat people who Need accessibility options to play games have2 say about this, because I Know the majority of voters (which are likely not disabled) r just voting for their favorites here. If ur reading this and have anything 2 say about how good or bad the accessibility features r in any of the nominees and why, I would realy like 2 hear it!!! If you have instagram! DM me! Or actuall wait. I have a dedicated email.iforgot. I will link that properly here later. class ends in a few minutes, so I'll have to continue going over nominees laater...! DUDE I JUST REALIZED RE4R ISNT EVEN ON HERE AND I FORGOT TO UPDATE THE LIST. I WILL REWRITE ALL THIS LATER. WAIT. WAIT GUYS. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT AFEW HOURS WAIT. ok iam home itis 5 pm now. i can not believei didnt even notice RE4R wasnt on here.. anyways um Updating the nominees now. ok. well. thsiis an odd category. . cafr game..? i am Very unqualified withthis ithink. I. Will simply give my vote to.ujmm..well..actually. im readingup. and apparentyl forza motorsport is like..really aweosme. I'm seeign a Lot of appraisefrom disabled gamers..huh,,ohh coool...HM. well. out of all the games onthis list i think a car game with this much work put into accessibilitu is deserving of recognition! OKAY i MUST quit yapping.

Games for Impact

I have sincerely not heard a word about any ofthe nominees for this category before Now and that Makes Me Sad. i dnt remember them at last year's awards being announced.,,,And some ofthem Do look really interesting..! This category is Always weird. It is hard to quantify the "social impact" a game has.., loek im curious how they determine whetehr sonething is eligible for this category or nawt. (probably liek the other categories. Which is arbitrarily.) WHICH IS NOT TO SAY THESE GAMES ARENT PROBABLY MAKING A STATEMENT ORWATEVER. Imean like. What ARE thse games doing in terms of their message or story or whatever that is really impactful and deserving of recognition.., wateever i'm jsut glad indie games get another category. Anyways. I giess i will do my Googling....okwait Uerrm itis 6pm. i must contiue Tomorow iThink.Ossibly,? yeah iwil. contineutomorow. GOODbye. .ok hi.it's . the 7th. 8:30 AM. Anywaus. I am not able to cast votes atthe moment but When i Am iwill probabyl vote forrr ummmm.. well. Chants of Sennaar is actually one I recognize. That's the one where u have2 lijerally learn an entire fictional language w/ real like.language learning techniques. and help preserve their language.Right???ots such a cool idea 2 me.,,and language preservation Is quite important anda cool topic 2 me.,,idk I'll see tho.

Best Ongoing Game

  • Apex Legends

  • CyberPunk 2077

  • Final Fantasy XVI

  • Fortnite

  • Genshin Impact

Seeing Genshin here as WELL AS player's choice is so freakign Odd. There was a BIG upset last year.atleast fromwat I remember.andmauybve itwas just me. But like.ifeel liek genshin has lost favor with a Lot of people.but maybe it's a Hogwarts Legacy situation where the wider, i guess "less online" mobile gaming audience just is Not aware of the controversy surrounding MiHoYo or Genshin itself. Which is frustrating, but wat can u do I guess. Actually ucan do quite a bit inthis case.,,ur vote mattrs.,,..(debatably. but I'd like toHope so.) BUT ATTHE SAME TIME genshin DID win an award lastuear right??and it had even more outrage then ifeel. I really just dont hear muchfrom it tbh. but. regardless. idk if it stands a chance against like..apex or fortnite,,,or final fantasy igues idk. Like. These r the playerbases who r voting in and watchng the game awards.so. Anywasy. Fornite. si gonnan win. 4 sure. I have heard more about fortnite as of late than evr., so many kids at my school talk about it.lijerally Everyone.ths must be what pokemania was like (but worse.or better?dpeends onthPerson I suppose..,)uhh my vote will go to Fortnite as well.just as assurance that Genshin doesn't win. also I guessshoutout 2 CP2077 for ..turning around, iguess? Seems like a no mans sky situation iguess. Aslo Wait doesn't No Mans Sky STILL have dev support??like oh my gosh.they may have Sucked but I appreciate thta if it's the case. Ican't even begin 2 name the amount of live service games that were shut down less than a year into their life this year. itSucks.,,and..HEH..SPEAKING OF..

Best Community Support

  • Baldur's Gate 3

  • CyberPunk 2077

  • Destiny 2

  • Final Fantasy XVI

  • No Man's Sky

Thisis another category I'm happpy exists.community support Should be praised Especiallyduring this Horrific Time..,.and HEYYYY LOOK who's HERE.., No Man's Sky.,, iwasRIGHT!! how long has it been since launch even..2016????????TWENTYFREAKINGN SIX TEEN/. IWAS 9 YEARS OLD WHENTHAT HAPPENED>????IREMEMEBR IT PLAYINGOUT INREAL TIME TAT WAS CRAZY.ok i may just give the vote to them for that becos i feel like not everyone appreciates how absurd that type of dedication is for games rightnow.Atleast coming from bigger studios. Or actually..who is Hello Games even.wait. Aohhh they Are a smallerstudio., ithink.so no wonder! Also theyve literally only ever made liek 4 gamees.and only 1 since No Man's Sky in 2020,..the Last Campfire.amde by 3 employees??thsiis all quite interesting. Ok I may givethem my voteyeah. Altho I DO wantto appreciate BG3.From wat i've seen the game was released in early access in 2020 sjolike That is Coool 2 me..,idk idokt see games Doing that mch anymore.And when they Do ot's like. Like they don't release it early for feedback and stuff.ots like a month or afew weeks before release and is essentially jst a demo. Idk AM i fabricatingmemories I doktknow. Anyways Ujhj. I have heard mixed thngs abt cyberpunk. and. iam not going to acknowledge Destiny 2. BUT LIKE. AGIAN I'VE NEVER PLAYED ANY F THESE GAMES. If. you have played NMS. Let Me Know if those guys suck or not. Like do u tjink theyve eben doing good orNo,,,

Best Independent Game

  • Cocoon

  • Dave The Diver

  • Dredge

  • Sea of Stars

  • Viewfinder

THIS is the meaningful category.imean a lot of them r but liek THIS IS theone I care about. aNd like. again.ahvent. played Any ofthese. but I've heard and seen the most of Dave The Diver so Jst based on that I think it may win.jsut becos of popularity. it DOES seem pretty fun tho so i'm not like.ragging onit. but. imean. how does a game that was lets-played and livestreamed so hard Not beat out allthese other indie games that got less coverage, atleast not any that I saw. Imean. Viewfinder..that was that one game where Vinny got clipped turninga voice off and it got a bunch of people on Twitter mad. thatwas really fjnny. Btw .ithink it really was Not that serious. ifu even care. Anyways IUHH my prediction is Dave The Diver but I WILLL look at the other nominees quicjklyy...ohh Cocoon publshed by Annapurna interactive. Poor Thang. I'm not sure if anything came from the 2021/22? allegations, but still.It seems quite cool..!Ilove a good puzzler..,an Annaprna game won last year (i'm still sort of bitter about frekng STRAY winnng over TUNIC. like stray is beautiful and heartfelt and has a Lot of love poured into it from every1 onthe team BUT I MEAN., tunic was such an incredible feat. It's honestly miraculous they even choseto nominate it and i sincerely thnk it deserved the win. OKAY ENOGUHOFTHATum) cocoon seems cool but idk iheard Nothing of itso idoubt itwill win. ohh dude wat the heck I just googled Dredge and it actually seems quite cool..,ooooh.,,ok i am actually such an evil rude terrible hater but I'm feeling a bias against Sea of Stars. Idoktknow why but turn-based RPGs with anime or anime-adjacent art styles simply makeme feel Aggressive. Whch sucks becos i'm sure thsi game is great bjt I have No interest in playing thatgenre so I fear I may just Never get it.Bjt. If. you.Like sea of stars adn thnk ots liek the best game ever adn the best RPG youve ever played orsomething U shoudl Tell Me Why.,, I sound liek an evil youtuber trygn 2 get peopel 2 comment but ISwear iajm genuinely so curious 2 hear wat othr people have 2 say on this! also Uh viewfidner is probably cool maybe idk.Well. Um. Thisis difficult. Iknow Dave the Diver iwll probably winso. I may give my vote 2 Dredge.,,maybe that will be a Kind gesture,,itfeels loke a gamethat did Not get the recognition it deserved.but maube it SUCKS HORRIBLT and i did bad research.,idunno

Best Debut Indie

  • Cocoon

  • Dredge

  • Pizza Tower

  • Venba

  • Viewfinder

uh..ths categoruy is so odd.itfels like they neeeded another category 2 put the indies in and couldnt thnk of anything else. Debut Indie means ots the first game published by a given studio Btw. Whch. Is like. That doesn't evem really mean anuthng becos oftentimes especially w indie studios they'll make a Whole new Standalone studio just for the one game & the team sometimes has already publshed somethng,just under a diffrent studio,BUT like Watever. Better than only havng one category fr indie games. Anyways. Pizza tower Wins. the dev is sort of a sucky guy allegedly (altho upon googlign I wasn't able to find many sources & they were all a year old, so? not sure.) but I already Know it'll win. Itjust Will. I'll vote for dredge again tho jsut 2 be the Kinder.

Best Mobile Game

I am Not a mobile gamer. I do Not care about mobile gaming. I have No strong opinions on Any of the nominees except for Honkai: Star Rail because it is a miHoYo product. I could frankly care less about any of the other nominees, which isn't to say I completely disregard mobile gaming as a genuine facet of the games industry or as "fake games," there are quite a few mobile games I've enjoyed in my life. I just don't care about any of these nor do I think they really DO or DON'T deserve it, simply because I'm so outside of the general mobile gaming demographic that I probably just don't get it. Again. Except Star Rail. I hope it doesn't win. So Badly. But like. miHoYo is an ENORMOUS tech corporation. or actually idk if that's even the right term.theyh have like..actual fundinf from like...aton of stff in China.. like I'm lookign atthe wiki rgjhtnow...THEYBUILT A LAB TO DEVELOP "BRAIn-COMPTUER INTERFACE TECHNOLOGY" FFORSTUFF LIKE "TREATING REFRACTORY DEPRESSION" ...,??????oh my godtheres So much oddstuff jhere. ok. that's too much to care about rightnow. They did NFTs like lastyear.?or sooner?goodnesstheres. thisis absurd stuff.Iuhhhh watever. I will not even vote idokt caare

Best VR/AR Game

did anyone play anyofthe nominees.ifeel bad 4 not knowing,vr gaming is Very cool and Important 2 me. It is Really weird they chose 2 group VR and AR games together tho...as if they're remotely similar. Like. ok.watever. Um. well. RE:Village VR mode is here so that's wat I'll vote for. My Evil Bias. I'll check out the other nominees later tho,, I'm gooiing2 try and be Better ths year and Actually check out allthe nominees fairly.so. Imay amend this later.

Best Action Game

  • Armored Core VI

  • Dead Island 2

  • Ghostrunner 2

  • Hi-Fi Rush

  • Remnant 2

jeez...lots of sequels thisuear...surprised I didntsee Alan Wake 2 inhere. maybe they forgot abot it liek Idid untl just now. anywas. um..didnt..play these...aha.. I promise I care about gaming Aha aha. Anuwais Um well.Armored Core VI is FromSoft so.,,I'd liek 2 support htem..Thiswas A Huge releaseright. They ahvent made a new Armored Core thang in uhh..howlong?,,oh mygoodness 2012/13..,,o my., wellUhh congrats 2 all like 20 armored core fans out there,, thus ones for you!!!! OKBut seriously lemmecheck out the other nomineess..ionly have like 8 minutes left of class thogh so I willl Have to continue Afterwards. In like. 45 mnutes when i get back t oschool.morelike 50.anhour?idk.OHMYGOD i THOUGHT I HAD HEARD OF DEAD ISLAND 2 BEFORE. I REMEMEBR THAT AD. THE TRAILER. gosh. Imglad tjat it ffinally released,,,mostyl for thedeveloper's sakes,jesius,,..8years.. Eight..anywaus Uhhh Maybe that's good idk. uhhh ghsotrunnenr. uh. watever. if i am being honest I've heard Barely a THang abot it othr than its name in passing. But, oh! 505 games..u guys publlished professor Layton..shoutout,,..!ok.remnant 2..pbulished by gearbox publishing.hey guys. Uhh..oh god I opened the wikipedia apge and immediately read "three DLC expansions are planned"and I got like a shudder downmy spine...hrrm..3rrd person FPS inspiredby soulslikes..?iuhh the devs make..uughhjj..random games that i Know i've mahybe heard of Once but ihave Never heard any discussion ofthem. Hmm. Ok.watevert hen. Well. Um. My..vote.,willgo to.Armored Core?or mauybe if Dead Island 2 seems good when i look it up later I'll give it a vote in honor ofthe poor devs. Eight Years.....Eight............Years......................

Best Action-Adventure Game

  • Alan Wake 2

  • Spider-Man 2

  • Resident Evil 4 Remake

  • Star Wars: Jedi Survivor

  • BoTW: ToTK

Geoff Keighley. I'm writing Directly to you Right Now. I need you to listen closely. Geoff Keighley I beg of you to heed my words. "Action" and "Action-Adventure" are literally the same category. Technically they ARENT and technically they SHOULDNT be, but. You Know. WE Know. Do you Know how many Genres Exist. GIVE ME BEST PUZZZLEGAME CATEGORY NNKOWWWWW.ok wait class ending wait Here.ALRIGHT 10:45 AM. inclass. wa sonly Just able 2 checkthe gameawards site since it's nrmallyl blockd.Iforgot that voting is CLosed.Duh.Anywaus. HMM..I'm personally rootingfor RE4R or ToTK. idokt care much for the other nominees.bt. but. if spiderman2 doesn't get GOTY maube it can have this. I mena,,considering how much I hear about it, I'msure it is deserving of recognition of sorts..,,loke imnot Rudeous and Evil I will tryto give the benefit ofthe doubt 2 games that I amnot personlly interested in that were big and are Clearly doingSomething right and have Passionate dev teams.Like. YYkjouknow. but.if ilet my evil biases win then idsay idrather not givethe win to a Sony/Marvel game.

Best RPG

  • Baldur's Gate 3

  • Final Fantasy XVI

  • Lies of P

  • Sea of Stars

  • Starfield

Hey guys. if you voted in the Game Awards thisyear I need you to promise to me you did not vote for Starfield. Ok. (My Jest,,or IS it..,(it is (youare not Inherently evil for enjoying a Bethesda game ots Okay.barely..,)))Bjut like. Imean. There's an indie game in here..,Sea of Stars,, and BG3 and Lies of P are made by some lesser known studios too. an Indie game being featured in anything but an indie category is a rare thing that we must CHerish.So im feeling heavily biased towards Sea of Stars. Even tho I lijerally just talked about how I have an irrational bias Against it. Iam The Evil Hypocrite. ithrnk i'd be happy seeing anything but Starfield (and FFXVI i gues.s. i dokt have any specific Qualms wiht it but .ikmena. yeaj.h) I think BG3 is probably gonna get it tho and .liek. I think I want that towin hjonestl. they deserve it thaMost iTHnk.Butif BG3doesnt win ihope ots Lies of P or Sea od Stars.ok. Ok.

Best Fighting

I'm jsut gona save time here andnot even list the nominees becos Ican alreayd Sense that MK1 will win. it Blew Up loke Evrywhere.even non fighting game fans got in2 it,,,Majorly,,,.,and mostly srotof disingenuously ithink (the Horrid curse of conventionally attractive white guys in avideogame that make random people whodont even play games flock to the one character and completely DIsmantle them and Ruin their online perception.cough. Leon Kennedy. Whoeverthat guy from MK1 is,,uhh,,, johnny..irwahtever. Those Poor Thangs.) BUT STILL imean like. Yeah. If notthat then Street Fighter 6 since tahts sonething ive also actually heard of. (lijerally only from the RTVS podcast. It has a big ESports scene ofcoirse so. ANd it's an establisehd IP and a majorly hyped game.,so.,Yeha.) NASB2 does Not stand a SIngle chance. Infact I'm still pissed they ever even madea sequel. NASB was barely even a year old.they neevr finsihed the game.lijerally awgful.,,Live Service Games DO NOT need Sequels WHen THey Could Just Be Updates. COUGH. OVERWATCH 2. OVERWATCH 2. OVERWATCH 2.anuwas.Yeha.

Best Family

  • Disney Illusion Island

  • Party Animals

  • Pikmin 4

  • Sonic Superstars

  • Mario Bros. Wonder

Well.I didn;t play these.lol .loool. I also am Not especially within thismarket ithink. If I play games witmy family it'll be like,.backseating on random stuff.like we did with A Plague Tale: Innocence adn Elden Ring.Butlike. Pikmin 4 was Huge,,jsut intermsof the like.expectations and hype and notoriety and such.and a Lotof people who have never played pikmin before got Big into it becosof it. My littlebrotjerwas Olimar for halloween & pikmin 4 was his first Ppikmin game.,,Ithink it deserves it, + impretty suyre it isnt even nominated fr Anythng else which is Crazy. if notthat tho then.,,,maayybeeee...son..ic..?I actually forgot this game cameout. I have sonic friends who I dotn rememenbr talkignabot this.And. Isn't it jut another retro remaster collection,,,,,uhhh it looks 2 be oriignal but basedon the original gameplay.but modernized.?cool! Idunnotho!also mario has had So many nominatiosn.if it doesnt win anything at this point then Idunno.also Genuinely What is Illusion Island. Disney keepsreleasing games like.secretly.it looks like an average sortof game.makes sense4 disney.dunno why it's here.It would be So funyn if Disney bribed to winthe award tho (not) (please do not let this happeb.)

Best Sim/Strategy

not listing nominees.,2 recognizable onesr Cities Skylines 2 and Pikmin 4.and iguess advance wars 1+2 Re-Boot camp.which was a pretty significant release i Think?but. like. Well. I mean. Yeah. City Skylines 2. I think it owuld be pretty impossible for it Not to win here. My dad is THE Sim/Strategy guy and he was All Over CS2 wen it came out.he saw th trailer a while ago andwas like....man....aw MAN this is crazy.....dude..this is ....areyouseein this...like...oh man........so like Congratsonthe Win!

Best Sports/Racing

I feel like Sports & Racing games are SO far removed from my demographic.and honestly a Lot of the average gaming audience. it's like..,a specially concentrated thing of its own.,i haveNo knowledge and No say here.uhhh...the wnner...umm.. hot wheels .becos it's funny?like idunno.Forza Motorsport had the great accessbility features tho so Imean Iguess I'm rootingfr it.

Best Sports/Racing

sponsored by...Discord..apparently...cool?

  • Baldur's Gate 3

  • Diablo IV

  • Party Animals

  • Street Fighter 6

  • Mario Bros. Wonder

Hmm! Welll! I'm biased towards BG3 so.Rooting forit! plusI think I forgot 2 mention this before but i DID Play Diablo IV.., I did Local Co-Op withmy dad for like an hour or two soon after it released. And like. I rememebr similarly playing Diablo III withmy dad a long time ago and altho ido not Especially remembr it i feellike maybe,,itwas,,better,,atleast in terms of the Feeling.plus like I can remember a BIT of it. Like. I remember that like...bloody wooden gate in.thesnow?Wasit in the snow.I remember.Vaguely. VAGUELY.but. idk,, Diablo IV felt Odd! The local Co-Op was fine from wat i remember but liek Idunnno. Even if i DId enjoy it I still would Not liekto give Activion Blizzard an awardSo. BG3. Then maybe street fighter 6 or party animasl. i have some fond memories of Gang BeastsSo imean. Sure. and. Mario..I have Mario fatigue...so mamny nominations..Nintendo.Please.P lease.

Best Adaptation

The Only thing outof the nominees that I saw aws the Mario Movie. frankly I'm sort of mad Fnaf isn't on here becos liek..come ON... that was a phenomenon. An INDIE GAME film is Crazy.it's Blumhouse's Biggest Film. LIKE HOWDID IT NOT GETNOMINATED. but. Imean. The mario movie was. Nice. I had Fun. Bt. like..I woudl almosto feel wrong saying it deserves it becos like..it wasnt.like. an Adaptation inth waythse othr things r. Like i have heard Reallygreat things abot the TLoU show.IDUNNO MAN. I wouldt be MAD if the mario movie won andithink it is probably definitely Going to but. IDunno,,,also LOOOOOLGRAN TURISMO LOOOOL LOOOOOOOL LOOOL ,

Most Anticipated Game

  • Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

  • Hades 2

  • Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

  • Star Wars Outlaws

  • Tekken 8

HADES 2. HADES II. HADES TWOO.. aah ah ah hah Excited..idk if it will win against these more popular srotof games but I am Holding Out Hope. Umm also HMMM.. Like a Dragon 2..? Ive seen Some of the trailers or wahteevr they showed off for it a bit ago. Why Does Kiryu Look Like THat. Butlike. I was last fixated on Yakuza liek.,,,3.almost 4 years ago. And i only got as far as Yakuza 4. (also bare in mind this was during Quarantine and I was 13 years old.Iwatched gameplay videos. Iahvent played the actual games yet and Idont have the desire 2 do so at themoment.) I have no connection 2 the newer games.,and Im Not sure if they seem like I'd enjoythem. But! Imean Yeah that'd be cool if it won maybe. Ive heard a Lot of good things abt Like a Dragon & the direction it's taking the series seems liekthe one it needed after like.the exactsame gameplay for solong. Umm ok.well.Dont care abuout the other nominees. I've heard people excited about Tekken 8. (Literally Just Trog on the RTVS podcast. Myabe Wayne too.that's it. Justfighting game fans. WHich IS a prettylarge audience so Imean?idk.) Hades 2 is wishful thinking but we will seeee....also Oamg...wemay.get. News. About it. Oh Woo Yea WOO YEA...

Content Creator of the Year

  • IronMouse

  • PeopleMakeGames

  • Quackity

  • Spreen

  • Sypherpk

Thisis always the stupidest category.not becos recognizing "Content Creators" is stupid but becos they are just So unaware of the online gaming content creator space.like. Remember lastyear they nominated Dream and he WON RIGHT>??ICANT REMEMEBR BUT ISWEAR HE DID. ITWAS SO STUPID. he had a Ton of controvery then Too so like. just so tone deaf. But like I only don't know Spreen and Sypherpk unlike last year where ilijerally didnt know or like Any ofthem.so.Hey! goodjob! (notreally). Uhhh Im sure ironmouse is maybe a perfeclt fine person (? IWill look after lunch) & it's pretty dumb 2 assume she sucks or is weird just becos she's aVtuber. but...imeaana...idunnnoooo....ijust dont know..I Do have a history with Quackity tho actually. I rememebr watchijng him like. ohny god it's rprobbaly been liek. 3 or 4 years.More? It was backwhen he was Big in2 raiding. Infact I remembr being part of his Animal Jam raid.very intresting time inmy life. Butliek he seems like a good guy & pretty fitting for a creator award. Like. For most content creator awards, just personally, I feel like unless they're a positive figure that is actively working on producing cool original stuff & using their platform for Good (whch is subjective I guess but.youknowwat i mean.) then I don't think they necessarily deserve to be recognized as a standout figure amidst the millions of other creators online. Like. Not to call a specific one out but I don't think it's controversial to rag on XQC. But like. His fame revolves around his eccentric personality rather than the actual content of his streams, and. the content is. Imean. He has streamed copywritten movies and shows Multiple times just becos he Knows he won't get in trouble. he bringsin Too much traffic and revenue for Twitch to be fair and just drop him(like they SHoudl..,)Lik.e. Back 2 wat i was saying. Quackity has had some pretty notable projects, likethe whole QSMP thing,rigt?idunno much about the actual quality ofthem but like.he's Putting in an Effort to do interesting things for his audience& like. If he wins then I'll be ok withthat. Happyeven! Idoubt it tho cnsidering his demographic is younger than wat i expect 2 be voting.but. Like. Ididnt even mention People Make Games.loool. I wantthem to win Sooo SOo SOo sOSO OSO OOSOS ba. Iahve watchedthjem for So long. I love learning abot Games like.People Make Games?Im people I like games i like learning abot making gmaes tell me About it Yesss Yessssssss.they also just do cool stuff & makeimportant Vdieos.Like.THe roblox ones.andtheannapurna one. Liek. Cool channel..I Appreciate their Stuff..,and Enjoy it..!SOloike. PMG > Quackity.r my Hopes. and Ifeel liek IronMouse actually sortof has the odds stcked against her since it's popular 2 hate on Vtubers (and theres always a bias against female creators becos. Misogyny.Dare I say. Perchance. and thisis the GAME AWARDS. we r talking about Gamers Here. yknjow.GamerGate.ohmy GOD doyou guys rememebrthat.oeughhhh.)

.okso. there r like...FIVE???? ALL FIVE OFTHE LAST CATEGORIES R ESPORTS??? jesus. Imskipping allthose. Esports is Very important forgaming and the gaming industryIKNow This.but im So uninvolved that I ACTUALY have nothgn to say. Um Letme know wat u thinkmaybe>?Good luckto the nominees iguess.unlessthey suck idunno.

Final Thoughts

guys iforgot the game awards sucks. (didnt).I Like to be Hopeful that my picks will win but evry year for like atleast half ofthem I am beat out by my Evil ENEMIES and ots like. Imean thisis barely even an awards ceremony. It's an Advertising thing. Thisis just me echoing stuff from the RTVS podcast(i've been mentioning it a lot huh loool u should go listen Lool) but like. no other awards show shows trailers for upcoming stuff. Just gaming ones. So. It's a unique situation.and a lot of these awards arent taken as sincerely as I'd sortof hope solike. it's like if the animation category atthe Grammy's was a whole award show. Sometimes genuinely cool interesting remarkable worldchanging recordbreaking stuff gets nominations and maybe even they'll win But. it's usually reserved for wahtever comapny is willing to hand over some cash or whatever the people choosign the nominees THINK would deserve an award (it's just the top biggest AAA games ofthe year.) Lke i do value the recognition they give to all kindsof games and Im Surethe winners do Too, especially indie ones,bt like. Yeah. Most of all I'm jst excited to see trailers andstuff. how fun!ok.JESUS. FINALLY. heh... see ya at the Game Awards, Gamers.. heh.. dotn worry I have a team of assassings hUnting me rigt now Jimmy Beast STyle so iwill be executed at Once ,

Haha so. The game awards,,uh

12/15/23 | 11:03 AM

The Game Awards this year (+ the official death of E3 shortly after) 2 me sortof signals the end of what gaming was.the Coolness, the sincerity, the art,, the industry and culture surrounding it has been shifting fora while, butthisis like. Like. there's no going back now i think. This has happened to like every creative medium tho.., musicians who started up writing and performing for their friends in their garage becoming the music equivalent of Hollywood stars, giving up ownership of their art to a record label, each new song no matter how sincerely produced now existing solely as a product; stories like that of Van Gogh, an outsider artist whose paintings only gained fame and renown when they had monetary value to back them, years after he had passed; it seems all to familiar to the dozens of game industry "success stories" I've read about before. I mean, not to say games never were "products," that fact has been a central part of game development since it became a commonplace thing. And ALSO not to say that games these days don't have heart- even stuff like Fifa or whatever have a passionate team behind them. The developers- the ones in chairs making these projects happen- are never the issue. Duh. Time and time again it's clear that what inhibits the output of developers most is when games become products. Like, I read Masters of Doom by David Kushner a while ago, aanddlike.,, reading about how id started off as like, 5 orsomething (awful) geeky guys in a rickedy hut in North Louisiana breaking off from their annoying office jobs developing random junk software to do something Meaningful, and just how quickly it became the exact type of crunch-inducing company they wanted an escape from when Romero started getting publishers and deals and investors- he saw the success of Doom and chose to capitalize. He saw the potential of gaming, as an industry, and wanted to cash in. It seems so,,, un-computer-nerd of him. This guy, whose game pioneered shareware and mod support and so much more, saw fit to turn it for profit, start seeing his fans as his consumers, he must make more product to provide for a market and get money, it isn't about what these games ARE anymore, what they mean, what they do, it's about what they can make. ok wait lunch

I forgot to continue thjsi and I dokt fele like it now so THis is simply Unfinished .Ooops.